Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sony Product Failure

I have been having nothing but trouble with my Sony NWZ B015F. It was given to me for Christmas last year and I loved it. I could appreciate the fact that I no longer burned discs and had to burn more because the didc was scratched, or I wanted different Songs on mine, so I loved it. My brother got one on January 26. Unfortunately, mine stopped working on February 14. Well no matter, it was within the 90 days I got from Sears. So I took it back for a new one. However, Sears had stopped selling them. Hmm? interesting. But they had the player they had used to a model that they gave me. within weeks, the new one stopped working because of the same problem. I thought to return it to Sears for my money back, but because I live in the boondocks, I couldn't exactly make the drive to the more populare area where a Sears might be found until like two days after the ninety day period. The was one hitch. When I exchanged the player in February, they didn't give me a reciept for the new product. Now I have no reciept and am past their 90 day return policy. The would not work with me. Policy says this and that. They recomended that I contact Sony. One problem. I still don't have a reciept. But I thought I would give it a try. Of course Sony was only too happy to help me. If I had a reciept. They told me that even thought I didn't have a reciept, I could return it to be fixed and would have to pay a parts and labor fee of $108.00 I was very reluctant to do that, you see because the player only cost $75.00 new. But I had to wonder, I had two players that did this. what are the odds that a lot of other people had that same problem? I have kept the player although it is but a glorified hunk of metal, in hopes that enough people would have had this problem that sony would recall it.
The problem with my player was that it needed charged so obviously, I plugged it into my usb to charge, but when it said 'charge full' and i pulled it out, it would not turn on. I called sony tech and did all of the tests and what have you and it could not be reset. the same problem occured with both of them. My brothers player did the same thing early on but for some reason his was able to be reset. Now, however it won't record the voice, he can't record songs off the radio, and the volume control doesn't work. and it stopped taking music. it is not full. but it won't take music. But hey, it plays. If anyone else has had this problem, please file a complaint with sony and post a comment on here so I know. I would like to know how many poeple have filed complaints with sony due to this particular problem. If they still haven't recalled the product as I think they should, I am prepared to go to battle.

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